The incredible journey of Cory Conacher, a professional hockey player living with Type 1 diabetes.

Presented by: SUPRE, The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre and Ontario Tech University
Presenting Sponsor: Novo Nordisk Canada
Many thanks to our partners and sponsors. This film is appropriate for all ages.
Please click here to REGISTER for the event.
The event is 'pay-what-you-can' to ensure accessibility to the Type 1 diabetes community.
All ticket donation proceeds directly support The Charles H. Best Diabetes Centre.
Please make your tax deductible donations here.
For help with or questions about the donation link, please contact the Charles H. Best Centre at 905.620.0360 or outreach@charleshbest.com. Please note: donations will NOT be collected through Eventbrite RSVP ticketing.
Ontario Tech University | Business and IT Building
Room UB2080 | 2000 Simcoe St N
Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0C5
The parking lot you will direct people to is Founders 2, there is a lot of signage on campus but, on the map it is the lot on the North East corner of Founders Dr and Founders Gate.
6:30-7:00 Reception
7:00-7:45 Film introduction and screening
7:45-8:30 Q&A with the Filmmakers
8:30-9:00 Closing Reception
About Ontario Tech University
About Novo Nordisk Canada
Our screening partners: London Health Sciences, Hamilton Health Sciences, BC Diabetes Research Network, The Charles H Best Diabetes Centre, Ontario Tech University, D-Skate Canada