We are a registered charity
Our services are provided in a welcoming, home-like setting
We specialize in type 1 diabetes
We promote positive integration of diabetes management throughout the lifespan
We have paediatric and adult medical advisors on the Board of Directors
Individualized follow-up appointments with a diabetes educator and/or social worker
On-site paediatric clinics provided with clinical team
Ongoing professional development for our staff is a priority
Ability to implement new management strategies and technological advances quickly, driven by patients, staff and specialists
Diabetes educators on call after hours for urgent care
We provide a holistic approach to supporting our patients and their families
Our pregnancy program includes prevention, planning, management, and follow-up
We support and encourage patient advocacy
Clinical outreach program includes home visits, Telemedicine (OTN) appointments, education program for schools, group homes, daycare and other community agencies

Supporting The Best Centre is a meaningful way to leave your mark on the world to benefit generations of Canadians affected by T1D.