November is National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM). Please take some time to check out our T1D topics. We encourage you to share this information on your social media to help educate and raise awareness about type 1 diabetes.

There are a lot of extra hormones released during pregnancy that can make anyone feel a little crazy while you're making a little human. Your body basically can't keep up and has difficulty managing the effects of nourishing a growing baby along with producing enough insulin to maintain regulation. The body's ability to effectively break down ingested sugars becomes hindered, causing a rise in blood sugar levels, which can be dangerous for both baby and mother if not monitored closely.
Potential risks of undiagnosed or untreated gestational diabetes lead to developmental issues in early weeks, large babies (>4kg/9lbs), difficult deliveries, an increased risk of baby becoming overweight and mother developing type 2 or type 1 (insulin-dependent) Diabetes in future.
The good news is that all types of diabetes can be managed and your baby will not be born with diabetes. Management strategies include:
choosing a healthy diet
achieving normal pregnancy weight gain
being physically active - even 10 minutes of walking a day does wonders!
check your blood sugars regularly
take insulin, if directed to do so by your specialist team
It's important to work together with your maternal care team (doctors, midwives, etc.) to carefully manage your blood sugar levels. Achieving blood sugars in target range will help prevent labour and delivery complications. Once you've welcomed your little one, your hormone activity will return to pre-pregnancy status and gestational diabetes will no longer be of concern, unless you get pregnant again. Once you've experienced a pregnancy with gestational diabetes, there is a greater risk of developing gestational diabetes in future pregnancies or simply developing diabetes in future, so be sure to stay current with annual check-up to maintain optimal health.

DISCLAIMER: You are strongly encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this site, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. PLEASE DO NOT DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON THIS SITE.
Nothing is more impactful than the lived experience. Please send us your stories and photos for us to share throughout the month using the form, below or by sending us an email to outreach@charleshbest.com. If you'd like to be a part of the O&E movement, please let us know by using the form, below, to tell us where your passion lies, what your interests are, who you're connected to and how you can help.
Past NDAM postings:
Government Funding Programs | Drinking and Diabetes | Diabetes Burnout | All About A1c | Life as a T1D Parent
Diabetes & Depression | Perks of Type 1 | World Diabetes Day | Gestational Diabetes | Diabetes at School
T1D Stickers and Accessories | Driving with T1D | Pump Lingo | Dawn Phenomenon | Blood Sugar Management Get Diabetes Right | Foot Care | Sleep: the lost frontier | Glycemic Index | Medication Management